About Us
Online store of high-quality yarn (wool, cotton, cachemire, silk, linen, organic yarn), knitting supplies, knitting needles, hooks and accessories. On our website, you can find plenty of special offers: special priced yarns, our own selection of kits and patterns, gift ideas and suggestions, knitting classes and much more. Create your own account to access all of our special offers!
Everything you need for your favorite hobby: knitting and crochet.
About us
Knitting has always been a family business;
Our grandmothers had golden hands and as children we always wore the most beautiful sweaters. Growing up we followed other paths, but they were not as rewarding, and we remembered those smiling ladies, always proud of their gorgeous knitted works, which made us think…
‘Emporio dei filati’ is now our business and our life.
You’ll be able to discover everything we do on this website…
Our warm suggestion: follow your passions and develop your handcraft!